Sunday, January 8, 2012

新宿御苑(Shinjuku Gyoe)

新宿御苑(Shinjuku Gyoe)是新宿地區的綠地公園,原為信州高遠潘主內藤家族的領地,遺址,1879年改為新宿植物御苑,戰後對外開放。新宿御苑內有大面積的綠地草坪,巨樹參天,繞新宿御苑一周3.5公里。新宿御苑由法式、英式和日式庭園組成,建築結構各異,美不勝收。每年五月,這里櫻花盛開,11月菊花滿園,一年四季風景如畫,是人們假日的好去處。

Shinjuku Gyoen is regarded as being one of the most important gardens in Japan. Established on the site of an old Edo Era mansion house in 1906 (Meiji Era), it incorporates examples of Japanese, French and English landscaping. From the French garden there's a virtually uninterrupted view of Tokyo Tower. In the Japanese garden you can take part in the tea ceremony (700 yen).

There are over seventy five different species of cherry tree inside. In summer it's famous for hydrangeas, and in November, chrysanthemums. The green houses are open 11:00 am to 03:00 pm.

Open: 09:00 am to 04:30 pm Tuesday to Sunday.
Closed: Mondays (or the following day if this is a national holiday). December 29th to January 3rd.

Admission: Adults 200 yen, under 15's, 50 yen

How to get there
Nearest Station: Shinjuku Gyoen Mae Station on the Marunouchi Subway Line or Sendagaya Station on the JR Sobu (local) Line.

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