Saturday, December 31, 2011
兩國國技館(Ryogoku Kokugikan)
兩國國技館(Ryogoku Kokugikan)是大相撲專用的比賽場所。館內設有相撲博物館,介紹有關大相撲的歷史,參觀免費(星期六、日、節假日休息)。大相撲每年進行兩場比賽,在比賽期間,相撲博物館不單獨對外開放。兩國國技館內的觀眾席分中間部分的日本式榻榻米席位和周圍的普通席位。日本式榻榻米席位價格較貴,每人起價9200日圓,普通席位較便宜,每人2,100日圓起價。
开放时间: 星期一至星期五10.00am – 4.30pm
RyÅgoku Kokugikan (両国国技館), also known as Sumo Hall, is an indoor sporting arena located in Ryogoku, Tokyo, next to the Edo Tokyo Museum.
Ryogoku Kokugikan was built in 1909, led by the growing popularity of Sumo during the Meiji period. It is the third building built in Tokyo associated with the name Kokugikan.
The current building was opened in 1985 and has a capacity of 13,000 people. It is mainly used for Sumo restling tournaments (æœ¬å ´æ‰€) and hosts the new year tournament (åˆå ´æ‰€) in January, the summer tournament (å¤å ´æ‰€) in May, and the autumn tournament (ç§‹å ´æ‰€) in September.
The venue is also used for other indoor events, such as boxing, pro wrestling, and music concerts.
It also houses a museum.  There are exhibitions about past and present Sumo wrestlers.
Sumo tickets can be bought online. Tournaments are not always being held, so check out the schedule on the web site.
Nihon Sumo Kyokai Official Website (Eng)
Higherground Co.,Ltd.
2-8-3 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, December 29, 2011
上野恩賜公園(Uenoonshi Park)
上野恩賜公園(Uenoonshi Park)由上野站公園口前一直延伸至鶯谷站西側。上野恩賜公園所在區域古為德川家康幕府所有寬永寺(1825(寬永2)年)所在地。1873年,在上野建成了日本的第一座公園,1924年被當時的東京宮內省指定為都市公園。上野恩賜公園園內種植有大量的染井吉野櫻花和山櫻花,是東京都內屈指可數的觀賞櫻花的著名公園之一。公園入口處,立有一尊日本明治維新時代著名人物西鄉隆盛的青銅像,供人瞻仰。
Ueno Onshi Park, also known as Ueno Park, was recognized as the one of the first parks in Japan along with Shiba, Asakusa, Fukugawa, and Asukayama Parks by the Grand Council of State in 1873. The grounds occupy the site of the famous Tokugawa Shogunate era Kan'ei-ji Shrine from the Edo Period. With the Meiji Restoration, the land became government property, and was passed down to Tokyo as a gift from the Imperial State Department in 1924 - thus the name of "Onshi" or "Imperial Gift." The park currently has many cultural attractions such as the main shrine of Kan'ei-ji and its mausoleum, Toshugu Shrine, a park with a vast number of cherry blossom trees, a museum, a zoo, and an art museum. It has truly been transformed into a park with high cultural significance.
Basic information
5:00am - 11:00pm
2 min walk from Ueno Sta. on JR Line, Tokyo Metro Ginza Line or Hibiya Line
5 min walk from Ueno-okachimachi Sta. on Toei Subway Oedo Line
1 min walk from Keisei-Ueno Sta. on Keisei Line
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
上野國立西洋美術館(National Art Gallery)
上野國立西洋美術館(National Art Gallery)是一座具有代表性的西洋美術展覽設施。館內收藏展示已故松芳幸次郎的作品集和大量的中世末期至20世紀的西洋美術作品約2200餘件。其中包括羅丹、魯本斯、莫那、雷諾阿、凡高、畢加索等著名近代歐洲畫家的美術作品約200餘件。除館藏作品外,這里每年還經常舉辦各種專題展活動。美術館的建築雄偉壯觀,別具一格,館外的數尊雕塑,表現了西洋美術的造型美。
The National Museum of Western Art 國立西洋美術館
1959 科比意(Le Corbusier)48歲時在東京上野所設計的西洋建築,收藏中世紀末至二十世紀初的西洋美術與法國現代雕塑。
〈The National Museum of Western Art〉
│平日 9:30~17:30│週五 9:30~20:00│週一休館。遇國定假日則開放,次日休│
│〒東京都台東區上野公園 7-7│
Sunday, December 25, 2011
上野國立科學博物館(National Science Gallery)
上野國立科學博物館(National Scence Gallery)是普及自然科學知識的展覽設施,館內陳列大量有關自然科學藷如恐龍骨架、隕石等標本化石。館內設有科學劇場,演示普及各種科學知識。1999年4月博物館又增設新館,供參觀者動手做各種科學實驗,以通過親身體驗加深人們對科學知識的認識。在這里,參觀者可學到很多科學知識,還可得到視覺、觸覺和親身體驗的享受,參觀所需時間大約為2小時。
The National Museum Of Nature and Science (Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan) is located in the northeast corner of Ueno park in Tokyo. Opened in 1871, the museum has had several names, including Ministry of Education Museum, Tokyo Museum, Tokyo Science Museum, the National Science Museum of Japan, and currently the National Museum of Nature and Science as of 2007.
The museum was renovated in the 1990s and 2000s, and currently offers a wide variety of natural history exhibitions and interactive scientific experiences.
The museum also has exhibitions on pre-Meiji science in Japan.
Friday, December 23, 2011
國立博物館(Tokyo National Museum)
東京國立博物館(Tokyo National Museum)以收藏展示日本以及亞洲美術作品和出土文物為主,共收藏作品8萬9000餘件,其中國寶89件,重要文物577件。館內分展示日本美術作品和工藝品本館和展示有關亞洲、埃及等東洋美術作品、出土文物的東洋館。主要建築整體風格為明治時代的洋式建築,同時擁有日式風格的展館。
東京國立博物館包括本館、表慶館、東洋館、平成館和法隆寺寶物館等五個展示資料館。大門進入所看到的就是本館建築,主要展示日本繩文至江戶時代的國寶和重要文化財,以及一部份的雕刻、陶瓷、刀劍..等日本美術工藝內容,是整個博物館最具代表的展示區域。東洋館展示著中國、朝鮮半島、東南亞、印度、西亞和埃及等地方的美術、工藝和考古遺物。而平成館是日本在地繩文時代出土的土器玩偶、弥生時代的銅鐸、古墳時代的埴輪陪葬品等..之類的考古遺物展示的地方。法隆寺寶物館則是奈良法隆寺奉獻給皇室約 300件的寶物,二次大戰後移交給東京國立博物館展示管理。表慶館是為了明治三十三年(1900)皇太子結婚紀念,由日本宮廷建築家片山東熊設計的圓頂建築,明治四十二年(1909)正式開幕為日本第一個正規的美術館;整座表慶館是明治末期西洋風格建築的代表之ㄧ,於昭和五十三年(1978)指定為重要文化財;表慶館主要作為體驗和創作的教育普及互動空間,從 2007年 4月 17日起以入口兩頭綠色石獅子膩稱為「みどりのライオン(綠色的獅子)」。 東京國立博物館目前超過11萬件的收藏中,其中 85件國寶和 610重要文化財,可以在下方的 <連結 Link> 的地方點擊「e 國寶」,有東京国立博物館收藏國寶重要文化財的單件詳細介紹。另外值得建議的是,每年國際博物館日(5月18日)和敬老之日(9月的第三個週一)為平常展示區的免費參觀日,是節省門票前往的好時間。
東京國立博物館 Tokyo National Museum
地址 : 日本国東京都台東区上野公園13-9
電話 : 03-3822-1111
營業時間 : 9:30~17:00
門票 : 成人 600日幣、大學生 400日幣。
定休日 : 週一和元旦 (12月28日~1月1日)
交通 : 東京地下鉄 銀座線、日比谷線「上野」車站步行 15分鐘,JR線 : 山手線、京浜東北線 「鴬谷」或「上野」車站公園口步行 10分鐘,京成本線「京成上野」車站步行 15分鐘。
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Vibrant, lively, fun, faddish, crowded, cramped, and busy, and the streetwise love it! Shibuya is another shopping and entertainment district situated in the west of Tokyo. It's newer than its rival Shinjuku and has a cleaner, safer reputation. Alongside its huge department stores it's also famous for the studios of NHK, the Olympic gymnasium, "Love Hotel Hill" and "Hachiko" - the tear-jerking statue of a dog.
First take the Hachiko Exit of Shibuya Station. Once out, bring out the tissues, prepare for crowds, for what you need to look for is the small statue of Hachiko, the legendary dog. It's a terrible tale - his master had long-time passed away, but year after year, night after night, by the station Hachiko faithfully waited. Finally, when he himself died on March 8th 1935, many a heart was touched. He was given a huge send off and his body now rests in the National Science Museum.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
惠比壽花園宮(Yebisu Garden Place)
Yebisu Garden Place (恵比寿ガーデンプレイス) is one of Tokyo's most pleasant cities within the city. Consisting of roughly a dozen buildings and skyscrapers, it features a large array of restaurants and shops including a Mitsukoshi department store, the Westin Tokyo hotel, the Michelin 3-star Chateau Restaurant Taillvent-Robuchon, offices, residential space and a photography museum.
Yebisu Garden Place is built on the former site of a beer brewery, where the still existing Yebisu Beer brand had been brewed since 1890. Interestingly, it was the beer brand which gave the later developing town and railway station of Ebisu* its name, and not the other way around.
The Museum of Yebisu Beer commemorates the original brewery, displays exhibits about the history and science of beer brewing in Japan and the world and offers beer tasting. After a visit to the beer museum, you may want to consider a meal and drink at the beer restaurant "Beer Station".
* "Ebisu" is the modern way to write "Yebisu", as the syllable "ye" and corresponding kana characters have almost completely disappeared from the modern Japanese language and been replaced by the "e".
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
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