Saturday, January 15, 2011






★历史=槟城是于1786年,由FRANCIS LIGHT 莱特海军上校所发现的。莱特上校是在答应吉打苏丹,英国将保护吉打免于暹罗的侵略后,代表东印度公司接收槟城的管辖权。当莱特抵达时,这里还是人烟稀少的岛屿。有故事流传谓,当年莱特以大炮将金块射进内陆去,来鼓励工人协助开发这片土地。

1805年,槟城成为孟卡的臣属地。它过后被升级为第四印度殖民政府,拥有和马德拉斯及孟买相同的行政架构。 1826 年,马六甲及新加坡的管辖权转移到槟城,海峡殖民地于焉成立。经济发展得非常迅速,1816年乔治市设立了第一所以英文为教学语言的学校。

一切和旅游业有关的服务业,槟城也发展的很好。槟城已经是最主要的旅游景点,它并且还是亚洲最主要的开会、大型会议及展览中心。槟城是亚洲首屈一指的会议、激励、大会及展示(MICE CENTRES)中心。


1. 马来语,乃大马国语,分为正宗马来语和巴刹马来语;后者流通于集贸市场(即所谓巴刹)的族际通用语,混有汉语方言、英语、淡米尔语成分。
2. 英语,大马的通用语,包括正宗英国英语和非正式『槟城英语』。
3. 华语,华族通用语,明显带有当地口音的普通话域外变体。
4. 淡米尔语,大多数新马印度人的母语。
5. 汉语方言,多为福建话,已形成槟城特色,也有粤语、潮州话、客家话等。依场合而会运用不同语言进行交谈,有所谓「语码转换」的现象。日常生活中华人使用「槟城福建话」 (Penang Hokkien),称得上是一种属于本土的语言。它不同于中国福建话的任何一种次方言,因为不仅是多种福建话的融合,同时从马来语、英语、汉语其他方言中吸收不少成分。但不大适于表达科学术语,一个讲槟城福建话的人在需要表达一些科学概念时,会自然转换其他语言,通常是华语或英语。

* 除了学校教学,槟城的地名,店名或人名使用中国大陆的汉语拼音并不多。人名拼写方法为拉丁字母按照方言进行拼写。他们称之为英文名称。从名字的拼法可以辨认出福建人还是广东人或客家人。

* 因此同一个姓会有不同拼法。例如同样姓「蔡」,有Chuah和Chai两种拼法;「陈」则有Tan,Chan,Chin等不同拼法。更极端的情况是,因为注册地不同,同家同姓在护照或身份证上可能会有不同的拼法。

History of Penang

Prior to the English, Penang was originally part of the Malay Sultanate of Kedah . It's known as a harbour for pirates at that time. In 1786, Francis Light established Penang the first British trading post in the Far East . Light had persuaded the Sultan of Kedah to cede Penang to the British East India Company in exchange for military protection from the Siamese and Burmese armies who were threatening Kedah. On 11 August 1786 , Captain Francis Light, known as the founder of Penang, landed in Penang and renamed it Prince of Wales Island in honor of the heir to the British throne.

In 1790, when Sultan Abdullah of Kedah heard that the British would not give protection, he formed an army to get rid of the Dutch and the English. He assembled his men at Prai to retake the island of Penang but was defeated. Captain Francis Light had carried out night raids on the enemy's fortress. In 1791, Sultan Abdullah signed a treaty with the British handing over Penang Island to the British. Light promised to pay the Sultan 6,000 Spanish dollars annually. Today, almost two centuries later, the Penang State Government still pays RM 18,800.00 to the Sultan of Kedah annually.

To encourage settlers, the port was accorded a duty-free status and new arrivals were allowed to claim as much land as they could clear. From virtually an uninhabited island, the population grew to 10,000 by the end of the century. Penang became a trading post for tea, spices (clove and nutmeg from local plantations), china, and pepper from Acheh and textiles from India . Later on, the regional trade grew to include tin, then rubber.

It became a crossroad of great civilizations, a melting pot of the east. Traders and settlers came from the Europe, India , China , the Malay Archipelago, Thailand and Burma .

In 1826, Penang, along with Malacca and Singapore , became part of the Straits Settlements under the British administration in India , moving to direct British colonial rule in 1867. The Second World War broke out on December 8, 1941. The Japanese invaded Malaya . Penang was bombed and the British fled to Singapore . The year 1942 saw Penang living in fear. The days of the Japanese Kempettai were the days of horror, torture and executions. In September 4, 1945, the Japanese surrendered to the British Forces.

In 1946 it became part of the Malayan Union , before becoming in 1948 a state of the Federation of Malaya , which gained independence in August 31, 1957 . Penang became one of its 13 component states. George Town , which has the oldest municipal history in the country, was awarded City status by royal charter on 1st January 1957. In 1963, it became part of Malaysia when Sabah and Sarawak came into the group.

Today, Penang state is the third-largest economy amongst the states of Malaysia , after Selangor and Johor. Manufacturing is the most important component of the Penang economy, contributing 45.9% of the State's GDP (2000). The southern part of the island is highly industrialized with high-tech electronics plants (such as Seagate, Avago, Dell, Intel, AMD, Motorola, Agilent, Hitachi, Osram, Bosch, Altera and other multinational company) located within the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone. In January 2005, Penang was formally accorded the Multimedia Super Corridor Cyber City status, the first outside of Cyberjaya , with the aim of becoming a high-technology industrial park that conducts cutting-edge research.

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